The game paint the town red
The game paint the town red

Some will even change the entire camera perspective like with the Top Down modifier. All items have a basic attack, strong attack, and the ability to charge up a throw attack.Įach Scenario also comes with a large list of modifiers that completely change how the game plays. Besides the specific themed weapons and items, each scenario will have standard objects like glasses, bottles, chairs, plates, etc. You can also interact with this level in a unique way by hitting enemies in the water and a shark will jump out and eat them. For example, Pirate Cove is a pirate themed one with ships, cannons, cutlass, harpoons, flintlock pistol, and more. For the Scenarios, each one has its own theme. Outside of your own powers there are the level environments and objects within the level.

the game paint the town red

These moves are constants with the Scenarios and Arena modes, the only time this changes is in Beneath, but I’ll get to that later.īring down the lightning with Smite to completely chunk enemies. Third tier is Smite and this one you point at your enemy and send a lightning bolt down on them blowing them to chunks and sending out a shockwave for enemies around them. Second tier is a rage mode that slows down time and your punching power increases to ludicrous levels making it look like your hands are sledgehammers bashing watermelons. However, as you continue to kill people you’ll fill up your special meter that includes three different moves.įirst tier is a shock wave that sends enemies flying and as they smash against walls, corners, or impale themselves on environments fountains of voxel blood paints the area.

the game paint the town red the game paint the town red

You of course have your standard punching, strong punch, and kicking. This is a brawling game so there are no limits on how you beat the hell out someone. Destroy the enemies by any means necessary. Despite the various game modes, the core gameplay always remains the same.

The game paint the town red